Homeowner’s Insurance 101

Your home is more than just a roof over your head, it’s your most valuable asset – one that you may not be able to afford to replace out-of-pocket should disaster strike. That’s why protecting your home with the right coverage is so important. Here’s why homeowner’s insurance is such a good investment for you and your family.

When it comes to protecting your home, it’s always best to expect the unexpected. We don’t like to think about it, but the truth is, there is always a chance of a house fire, a fallen tree or a burglary. Without homeowner’s insurance, these damages could cost you thousands – even hundreds of thousands – out-of-pocket. Homeowner’s insurance is essentially a safety net for your home, allowing you to repair or rebuild your home if damaged by an event covered in your policy.

Homeowner’s insurance protects more than your home.

While the types of coverage may vary, these basic components of a homeowner’s insurance policy are usually present – dwelling, other structures, personal property, and personal liability. From your personal belongings to the shed in your backyard, or even medical bills if a guest is injured on your property, a standard homeowner’s insurance policy can help protect a lot more than just your home!

Having a homeowner’s insurance policy won’t prevent damage to your home or belongings, but it may help provide a financial safety net if the unexpected occurs. 

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