How to Buy a Quick Move-In Home: 3 Key Financing Steps


Building a new construction home from the ground up can take several months to complete and not everyone has the time (or patience!) to wait. That’s why many homebuyers are considering quick move-in homes!

The First Week: Getting Started

Begin Your Loan Process Online: Within 5 days of signing your home’s purchase agreement, kick-start your loan process by submitting your completed loan application online.

Access Your Loan Dashboard: Once your application is submitted, access your loan dashboard and begin working on your to-dos to get a head start on the process.

Meet with Your Loan Team: Chat with your Loan Team to determine the right financing solution to fit your needs.

The Next Four Weeks: Verifying and Finalizing

Receive Your Issued Credit Decision: You’ll soon receive your issued credit decision, a crucial step in the process.

Submit Additional Documentation: Work closely with your loan team to submit any additional required documentation promptly.

Stay Up to Date: Keep track of your loan’s status through your loan dashboard, ensuring you’re informed every step of the way.

Tip: Save time by using our secure asset verification tool within your Loan Dashboard! This allows us to verify your bank account information instantly.

Final Week: Prepare for Closing

Confirm Your Closing Date: Confirm your closing date with your Closing Agent. They will let you know what to bring on closing day and what you can expect.

Receive Preliminary Closing Documentation: At least 3 days prior to closing, you’ll receive your preliminary closing documentation.

Sign Final Documentation: On closing day, you’ll sign all final documentation and receive the keys to your new home!

Tip: Be sure to hold off on any major purchases before your home officially closes and keep your loan team informed of any changes to your income, employment or debt!

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